NeuroBANK® is the flagship platform for collecting data on research volunteers who participate in natural history studies or in multiple projects within a disease consortium. Data collected during a clinical trial is important to the advancement of research, however, to understand disease progression without the bias of an experimental therapy, natural history data is needed to create a vision of the natural course of a disease. These natural history studies are the backbone of clinical research and are becoming increasingly more powerful and valuable data sets. The use of our Neurological Global Unique Identifier (NeuroGUID®) and System-specific Transactional Anonymous PIN (NeuroSTAmP) tools allows a patient to be followed throughout the course of their participation while maintaining privacy between projects.
NeuroBANK® was conceived with the idea to empower, enhance and accelerate the understanding of neurological diseases. By providing a secure and robust data collection system that enables comparative effectiveness, the CIB hopes to accumulate a large data set to provide to researchers to mine and analyze, allowing them to learn more about neurological diseases, as well as reduce study costs and create best practices.
What is NeuroBANK®?
NeuroBANK® is a patient-centric clinical research platform that allows capture and aggregation of clinical and clinical research data from simultaneously running research projects and links these data with biospecimen repositories, image banks and genetic information.
Embedded Neurological Global Unique Patient Identifier (NeuroGUID®) and NeuroSTAmP technologies allow the generation of patient-specific strings that uniquely and securely identify patients without the risk of exposure of that patient’s identity.
System features
Data capture, storage, linkage, aggregation, reporting, validating, mining and analysis
Comparative Effectiveness Research
Chapter 21 CFR Part 11 compliant features
Biorepository – access to samples (tissues/blood)
Regulatory documentation
Why NeuroBANK®?
NeuroBANK® offers several advantages for users across the spectrum, from Clinical Investigators to Foundations and Biotech companies